Jahreshauptversammlung - Landfrauenverein Kirchgellersen
- Meetings
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Annual general meeting with elections
The Annual General Meeting will take place on March 14, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Lehmschüün in Westergellersen. Since the deputy chairwoman left office prematurely, a new appointment is sought for the next two years. If you are interested in the board work, you can inform yourself without obligation from the chairperson. The election committee, represented by Christiane Kleinecke, Ziegeleiring 26, 21394 Westergellersen, Tel .: 04135 7480, will be happy to take suggestions.
In addition, a new local representative for Südergellersen, Westergellersen and Kirchgellersen is sought. If you are interested in participating in the team, you are welcome to inform yourself without obligation from any member of the board.
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