"Ist unser Gesundheitswesen in Gefahr?" Was bedeutet die Krankenhausreform im Landkreis Harburg?
  • Lectures & Discussions

© Holger Daedler, Jesteburg
© Holger Daedler, Jesteburg

You have heard of hospitals facing bankruptcy? Medicines are not available or are being delivered late. What does this mean for citizens? Who can predict the future of medicine?

Dr. Hans-Heinrich Aldag is a speaker this afternoon. Dr. Aldag is president of the Federal Association of German Private Clinics and a politician. The second speaker is Jan Bauer, vice president of the German Red Cross in the Harburg district and also a politician (CDU).

We want to hear how we should assess the new situation in easy-to-understand terms. There will be plenty of room for questions and discussion.

Please register at: 10.November@Buerger-Allianz.com

We have space for a maximum of 60 people in the hall.

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.



Vortragsreihe "Russland. Denken" - Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft eines schwierigen Nachbarn
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 23.10.2024
  • 18:00
  • Nordost-Institut (IKGN e. V.) (Lesesaal)
© MGH Horneburg

Vortrag "Von der Arbeit ins Vergnügen?!" Der Start in den Ruhestand!
  • Lectures & Discussions
  • Information & Consulting Service

  • 24.10.2024
  • 19:00
  • Mehrgenerationenhaus Horneburg (MGH)
© Daniel Spizzirri

  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 25.10.2024
  • 16:00
  • Alsenhof Lägerdorf
© Canva Rido

Alsterdorfer Hochschultag
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 06.11.2024
  • 10:00
  • Kulturküche Alsterdorf
© Pixabay

Bezahlbarer Wohnraum gesucht!
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 11.10.2024
  • 17:00
  • Dorothee-Sölle-Haus
© Deutsches Baumschulmuseum

Alte Apfelsorten – genetische Vielfalt bewahren!

  • 13.10.2024
  • 15:00
  • Deutsches Baumschulmuseum

Obstgehölze im Garten, heute und morgen - Gartenakademie Arboretum Ellerhoop
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 17.10.2024
  • 16:00
  • Arboretum Ellerhoop
© Deutsches Baumschulmuseum

Rettet die Moore – Torfersatz im Gartenbau

  • 20.10.2024
  • 15:00
  • Deutsches Baumschulmuseum
© Spicys Gewürzmuseum

Sweet & Spicy
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 09.11.2024
  • 15:00
  • Spicy's Gewürzmuseum
© Dino Ventolini

How To Reverse

  • 14.11.2024
  • 18:00
  • REMISE – interdisciplinary lab for art and research


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