i'm growing fur reading series
- Readings
i’m growing fur is a new multilingual reading series for poetry and translation in Hamburg. It aims to facilitate networks and help authors to gain more visibility, exchange and self-confidence in Hamburg's cultural landscape. i'm growing fur focuses on reading, translating and communicating poetry for all those who want to engage in a mutually supportive experience with the audience. We come together, we're growing together – a fur of verses to arm ourselves. We surround ourselves for warmth.
April 17th: with SGL Simoné Goldschmidt-Lechner, Aurélie Maurin, Yu-Sheng Tsou
Curation and moderation by Jonis Hartmann & Ayna Steigerwald
i’m growing fur is funded by Hamburgische Kulturstiftung and Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur und Medien.
F-Pavillon, Rentzelstraße 36-40 EG, 20146 Hamburg
U2/3 Schlump / S+U3 Sternschanze
c/o Fringify Independent Arts Festival // fringify.hamburg
doors 7:00 p.m., starting 8:00 p.m., admission 8-12 €
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