Geführte Rundgänge an Bord der PEKING*
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Join us aboard the PEKING! Guided tours of the historic four-masted barque provide insight into the over 100-year-old, lavishly restored four-masted barque PEKING. Built in 1911 by Blohm & Voss for the F. Laeisz shipping company, it is part of the world-famous Flying P-Liner family. Powered solely by wind and muscle power, the PEKING circumnavigated the dreaded Cape Horn more than 30 times to transport saltpeter from Chile to Germany. In 1932, the impressive cargo sailing ship was decommissioned, sold to England as a boarding school ship, and sold to the Southstreet Seaport Museum in New York in 1974. With funding from the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the unseaworthy ship was brought back to Germany in 2017. Since 2020, the 115-meter-long PEKING has been moored at the quayside of Shed 50A following extensive renovations and has become one of Hamburg's most popular attractions. The ship, with its 57-meter-high masts, opulent cargo holds, and the captain's and crew quarters currently under reconstruction, can be visited for a small fee as part of guided tours.
*subject to charge
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