Film Human Forever
  • Movie, Cinema, TV

© MarkOut

Teun is 24, perfectly healthy and lives with people with dementia in the closed ward of a nursing home. Why? Teun is 24 now, but not for all his life…

Now, what Teun wants, what he feels and what he thinks is still being listened to. Now he is still free to be who he is and go where he wants, but the chances of this not being the case in the future are 1 in 5. That is why he now sets out to find answers for later.

The documentary by filmmaker Jonathan de Jong and humanitarian activist Teun Toebes was made independently and premiered on 2 October at a G20 summit around dementia. Currently breaking all records, the documentary is the most watched human-interest documentary ever in Dutch cinemas with over 80,000 visitors. Human Forever is now going global and has won multiple awards at international film festivals

reservation : Alzheimer Gesellschaft Hamburg e.V. 04088141770

contact : Marina Stein

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© ThisIsJulia Photography

Abaton Kino

Art house cinema was born in the Abaton cult cinema in Hamburg’s Grindel district.


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