Faust I + II
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Faust I + II
By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Receive a 20% discount on tickets for ‘Faust II’ when you buy tickets for ‘Faust I’. (This discount is not valid for concessions and cannot be redeemed online.)
Worn down by the limitations of his own knowledge, unsatisfied by people and love, Faust tirelessly carries on. The devil’s wing should carry him further and further, no time, no space to evade availability. Nevertheless, Faust will not stop. The most beautiful woman won’t shackle him, no war, no still so outrageous ‘cultural achievement’ – not the magical creation of money, nor the artificial creation of a human being – can bring the doubting human spirit to halt. World domination stands before him! Human beings, no, he himself will be God over the land and sea! Faust is blind to the consequences of his actions. And so, by the end, nothing has been gained. Not his assurance, not a beautiful new world. And when the worldwide catastrophe fails to materialise, every line latches onto our anticipating conscience. One day nature will take back what devilish Faust violently snatched from her, will recognise man, who created destruction to repair the absolute freedom of his thoughts and form. The worldly ending of this great Faust epic could not be apocalyptic. Astonished, we discover that, magnificently, Germany’s favourite book is above all a lament on the state of the world.
In collaboration with the Salzburger Festspiele
Supporting artists Sebastian Brühl, Mark Fröder, Henrik Giese, Kevin Lee, Martin Torke, Dominik Velz
Faust I+II was first performed at Thalia Theater on 30th September 2011
Faust I+II Production of the Year 2012
Critics voted Faust I+II Production of the Year in ‘Theater heute’ magazine’s annual awards. ‘Faust’ dramaturg Benjamin von Blomberg was awarded Dramaturg of the Year.
Invited to the Berliner Theatertreffen 2012
Other invitations:
Salzburger Festspiele
28th July to 21st August 2011 (Faust I+II)
Staatsschauspiel Dresden
25th and 26th May 2013 (Faust I+II)
Festival d'Avignon
11th, 13th and 14th July 2013 (Faust I+II)
Centraltheater | Schauspiel Leipzig
1st March 2014 (Faust I+II)
Worn down by the limitations of his own knowledge, unsatisfied by people and love, Faust tirelessly carries on. The devil’s wing should carry him further and further, no time, no space to evade availability. Nevertheless, Faust will not stop. The most beautiful woman won’t shackle him, no war, no still so outrageous ‘cultural achievement’ – not the magical creation of money, nor the artificial creation of a human being – can bring the doubting human spirit to halt. World domination stands before him! Human beings, no, he himself will be God over the land and sea! Faust is blind to the consequences of his actions. And so, by the end, nothing has been gained. Not his assurance, not a beautiful new world. And when the worldwide catastrophe fails to materialise, every line latches onto our anticipating conscience. One day nature will take back what devilish Faust violently snatched from her, will recognise man, who created destruction to repair the absolute freedom of his thoughts and form. The worldly ending of this great Faust epic could not be apocalyptic. Astonished, we discover that, magnificently, Germ
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