Exhibition: “Fire!” - 150 years of the Barmstedt volunteer fire department
- Exhibition
The Museum der Grafschaft Rantzau is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the volunteer fire department in Barmstedt with a large special exhibition, which will open on March 29, 2025.
We are going on a journey through time and showing a special chapter in the history of Barmstedt and the county of Rantzau. At the same time, we report on the tireless commitment of the volunteers for the good of the community. Since 1875 they have extinguished countless fires and saved countless lives. Over time, their area of operation has become ever larger. Help in flood and snow disasters is now just as much a part of the job as rescuing accident victims.
In the exhibition, visitors can also marvel at how technology and equipment have changed over the last 150 years. A special highlight is the first motorized fire engine, which is still ready for use and will be 100 years old this year.
What: Special exhibition “Fire!” - 150 years of the Barmstedt volunteer fire department
Where: Museum of the County of Rantzau, Barmstedt Castle Island
When: 29.3.2025 - 31.12.2025, open April-September Sat. and Sun 14.00 - 17.00, October-March 13.oo-16.00
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