Bremer Philharmoniker / Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-Chor Hamburg
  • Opera

© Richard Stöhr

Never before have women been as visible and (at first glance) as successful as they are today. A change has also taken place in the arts. Female conductors are conquering leading positions in orchestras, female composers are being integrated into male-dominated concert programmes and there is talk of »female« leadership styles. This concert is part of the CPE Bach Choir Hamburg’s seasonal cycle entitled »RESPECT - Women in the Arts«. For an entire season, female figures, composers and musicians will be highlighted in their biographies and their portrayal in art in concerts and introductions.


Bremer Philharmoniker orchestra

Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-Chor Hamburg choir

Cathrin Lange soprano

Henriette Gödde alto

Andreas Post tenor

Daniel Ochoa bass

Hansjörg Albrecht director


Emilie Mayer
Faust-Ouvertüre op. 46

Konstantia Gourzi
Mondaufgang am Meer für Blechbläser und Schlagzeug op. 108

Konstantia Gourzi
Variation 21

- Interval -

Ethel Smyth
Messe in D

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© Maxim Schulz


The first house on the square: The Laeiszhalle is Hamburg's traditional venue for exquisite musical experiences with a special focus on early music, recitals,…


© Lohbrügger Bürgerbühne

Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
  • Theatre

  • 17.12.2024
  • 11:30
  • Theater Haus im Park
© Sébastien Grébille

Twinkle Concert S / In Omis Garten (In Granny’s Garden)
  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 18.02.2025
  • 11:15
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kaistudios)
© Alex Schröder

Twinkle Concert XL / Superball, Lollipop & Mr Classic
  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 29.03.2025
  • 14:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)
© Katrin Trautner

Theaternacht 2024 - Deutsches SchauSpielHaus
  • Theatre

  • 14.09.2024
  • 19:30
  • Treffpunkt: DeutschesSchauSpielHausHamburg (Eingang)
© Claudia Höhne

Twinkle Concert XL / Somnia – What Do Dreams Sound Like?
  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 09.11.2024
  • 14:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)
© M. Madsen

Figurentheater für Kinder - „Die Olchis im Land der Dinos“ von Erhard Dietl
  • Theatre

  • 14.09.2024
  • 14:30
  • Steenkampsiedlung (Saal)
© Enrico Nawrath

K&K Philharmoniker / Soloists / Matthias & Max Kendlinger

  • 06.05.2025
  • 19:30
  • Laeiszhalle (Großer Saal)
© Marco Borrelli

Orchestra Leonore / Philharmonischer Chor München / Daniele Giorgi
  • Opera

  • 27.10.2024
  • 20:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Großer Saal)
© Sofie Wanten

Twinkle Concert M / Nasenoper
  • Theatre & Stage Art

  • 02.03.2025
  • 14:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kaistudios)
© 2024, Christopher Dippert

Besser werden!
  • Theatre

  • 26.09.2024
  • 20:00
  • Resonanzraum St. Pauli


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