Bodo Wartke
  • Other

© Sven A. Hagolani

In his upcoming piano cabaret programme, which premieres in December 2024, Bodo Wartke will once again take a tongue-in-cheek look at the world and its diverse topics with a high frequency of rhymes. Accompanying himself on the piano, the piano cabaret artist will present his poetic stories and philosophical observations as well as his successful tongue twisters – a concert evening that is up close, entertaining and personal, just like Bodo Wartke!


Bodo Wartke piano cabaret

This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© Maxim Schulz


The first house on the square: The Laeiszhalle is Hamburg's traditional venue for exquisite musical experiences with a special focus on early music, recitals,…


Workshop: Klassiko Spezial
© Claudia Höhne

Workshop: Klassiko Special
  • Other

  • 06.10.2024
  • 12:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kaistudios)
Blind Date
© Mathias P. R. Reding

Blind Date
  • Other

  • 11.12.2024
  • 19:30
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)
Musik zur Nacht
© Ev-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Timmendorfer Strand

Musik zur Nacht bei Kerzenschein
  • Other

  • 08.07.2024
  • 21:00
  • Waldkirche Timmendorer Strand
Philharmonisches Kammerkonzert
© Claudia Höhne

School Concert »Chineke Orchestra«
  • Other

  • 12.11.2024
  • 09:30
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)
Philharmonisches Kammerkonzert
© Claudia Höhne

School Concert »Next Stop: Lunar Plexus«
  • Other

  • 27.06.2025
  • 09:30
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kleiner Saal)
Funkelkonzert S / Pepephon & Perkussion
© Julia Wesely

Twinkle Concert S / Pepephon & Percussion
  • Other

  • 08.04.2025
  • 11:15
  • Kulturpunkt im Basch
Die drei ??? und der Phantomsee
© Lauscherlounge

Die drei ??? und der Phantomsee
  • Other

  • 15.09.2025
  • 19:00
  • Laeiszhalle (Großer Saal)
»Wo die Feen und Kobolde noch ein Zuhause haben«
© Symphoniker Hamburg

»Die musikalische Reise vom Pinguin Gu«
  • Other

  • 10.11.2024
  • 11:00
  • Laeiszhalle (Kleiner Saal)
Workshop: Kreativ Modular Synthesizer
© Claudia Höhne

Workshop: Kreativ Modular Synthesizer
  • Other

  • 23.11.2024
  • 10:00
  • Elbphilharmonie (Kaistudios)
© Stephanie Paepke

Christopher Street Day Demonstration (CSD) Hamburg
  • Other

  • 03.08.2024
  • 14:00
  • Lange Reihe


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