Alsterdorfer Hochschultag
  • Lectures & Discussions

© Canva Rido

How does empowerment work through robots? Can smart technologies help strengthen self-management in care and integration assistance? How do you create social reports using GPT? What are the data protection, legal and ethical hurdles when using digital tools and AI?

Be there, join in the discussion and help bring science and professional practice together! The II. Alsterdorf University Day offers space for thought experiments, networking and, above all, is intended to awaken joy in working with digital tools and AI in the health and social sector.



  • 09.30 Check-in and arrival
  • 10.00 Welcome
  • 10.30 Keynote: Making AI systems usable in everyday nursing (Dr. Kathrin Seibert, Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research at the University of Bremen)
  • 11.15 Workshops – Part I
  • 12.45 Lunch break in the cultural kitchen
  • 13.30 Workshops - Part II
  • 15.00 Coffee break in the cultural kitchen
  • 15.30 Presentation of workshop results and subsequent discussion (moderator: Prof. Dr. Cathleen Gaede-Illig)
  • 16.30 A look into the future (Prof. Dr. Ronald Deckert, Dean of the Department of Technology, HFH)
  • 16.50 Closing remarks
  • 17.00 End
This is an entry from the Event database for the Hamburg metropolitan area.
No liability is assumed for the correctness of the data.
© Evangelische Stiftung Alsterdorf

Kulturküche Alsterdorf


© Privat Jörg Braun

Die Zukunft der Medizin
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 18.11.2024
  • 19:00
  • Akademie Großhansdorf
© Design: Rocket & Wink

Parcours MARKK x Kunstverein

  • 15.10.2024
  • 17:00
  • Kunstverein in Hamburg
© Daniel Spizzirri

  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 27.09.2024
  • 16:00
  • Alsenhof Lägerdorf
© Deutsches Baumschulmuseum

Das Kleingartenwesen – 200 Jahre alt und nie aus der Mode!

  • 22.09.2024
  • 15:00
  • Deutsches Baumschulmuseum

Obstgehölze im Garten, heute und morgen - Gartenakademie Arboretum Ellerhoop
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 17.10.2024
  • 16:00
  • Arboretum Ellerhoop
© ThFritz_7249

Wesensgemäße Bienenhaltung erleben
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 20.09.2024
  • 15:00
  • Haus der Natur Ahrensburg
© Deutsches Baumschulmuseum

Rettet die Moore – Torfersatz im Gartenbau

  • 20.10.2024
  • 15:00
  • Deutsches Baumschulmuseum
© frei

"Ein Lebensversuch mit Demenz. Bericht über K."
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 08.11.2024
  • 18:00
  • Evangelisches Forum Gartow
© Helge Masch

Blüten - Arboretum Ellerhoop
  • Lectures & Discussions

  • 13.10.2024
  • 14:00
  • Arboretum Ellerhoop
© MGH Horneburg

Vortrag "Von der Arbeit ins Vergnügen?!" Der Start in den Ruhestand!
  • Lectures & Discussions
  • Information & Consulting Service

  • 24.10.2024
  • 19:00
  • Mehrgenerationenhaus Horneburg (MGH)


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