Achtfachen Mörders und Brandstifter Timm Thode
- Lectures & Discussions
The prosecution of the eight-time murderer and arsonist Timm Thode. Lecture by Dr. Reimer Möller. On August 7, 1866, the farmer's son Timm Thode brutally murdered eight people in Groß Kampen near Beidenfleth. The victims were his father and mother, his sister and four brothers, and the maid. To cover up the cruel crime, he set fire to the buildings of his parents' farm, which was located near the Stör dyke. Timm Thode posed as a survivor of a crime committed by a gang of murderers. With a web of clever lies, the perpetrator was able to convince investigators of his supposed innocence. It was only a commission set up by the public prosecutor's office in Kiel that managed to convict the murderer. On May 13, 1868, Timm Thode was executed with an axe in the courtyard of the Glückstadt penitentiary.
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