In Bergedorf a police station was moved in 1992. What remained was an old building, whose further use was up for discussion. Dedicated people with a healthy sense of community turned it into a cultural centre that has enriched the life of the district to this day.
Performances on this stage are based on novels; in this manner, they become much easier to understand. Many unique performances are presented here. This house is known for its literary models and historical material. After an eventful history and several moves, it is at home today in the centre of Altona.
Harry Potter and the enchanted child - Theatre at the Großmarkt
Hamburg’s new visionary theatre with capacity for up to 3,500 visitors. The Harry-Potter-Theater am Großmarkt presents theatre performances, concerts, musicals, shows and much, much more. A visit is not only worthwhile because of the great programme, but also because of the spectacular display of architecture at the listed Großmarkthalle.