© Bergmann Gruppe
© Bergmann Gruppe

Duckstein Festival

Art, culture and culinary delights

Unplugged and up close! The Duckstein Festival in HafenCity Hamburg invites you to celebrate ten days of art, culture and culinary delights at the end of June. The unplugged concerts in the music club present themselves in a homely atmosphere.

The Duckstein Festival in Hamburg's HafenCity invites you to celebrate ten days of art, culture and culinary delights. The unplugged concerts in the music club present themselves in a homely atmosphere. Experience acoustic and amplified music by singer-songwriters and newcomers. The direct interaction with the artists and a relaxed atmosphere characterize the festival. Directly in front of the International Maritime Museum, the artists and street artists from different nations such as Argentina, Holland or France present their shows at ground level and without a stage in close proximity to the audience.

In addition to the programme, numerous designers and craftsmen offer their jewellery on the Design Boulevard on Osakaallee. Here you can discover Arts & Crafts, Design, useful and pretty things. The culinary hotspots on Dar-es-Salaam-Platz, Störtebeker Ufer and Busanbrücke offer an international range of food. At the Theaterplatz you will experience changing and selected gastronomic experiences from the food truck - from burgers to tapas to Italian piadina. Enjoy wonderful summer evenings around Magdeburg harbour - and of course - a freshly tapped Duckstein beer.

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

CITY AREA PORTRAIT HafenCity & Speicherstadt

The world’s largest warehouse complex and UNSESCO World Heritage. On the other side, towards the banks of the Elbe, the modern, ever-growing architecture of the new harbour district HafenCity. Also, you can enjoy the view of the harbour from nearly everywhere.

HafenCity & Speicherstadt

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