Halle424 In constant change

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Halle424 is a venue for jazz and classical music concerts, located in the Oberhafenviertel (upper harbour district).

Those who visit Halle424 in the Oberhafen quarter for the first time will find themselves in a lovingly designed venue for classical and jazz concerts. Anyone attending a concert in Halle424 for the second time will find the same thing - and yet something completely different. The special thing about this concert hall is that it is constantly changing. The stage and backdrops will be rebuilt to suit each event, highlighting the theme of the evening. And thanks to the huge range of concert directions, this is also a piece of work: a new jazz series started in May 2017, the Residenzorchester "Ensemble Reflektor" plays regular concerts and the Feierabend-Konzertreihe, jointly organised with the Hamburger Kammerkunstverein, also offers its own portfolio of different performances.

In addition to the musical offerings, the location of Halle424 is also a real gift for art lovers, as the Oberhafen is slowly becoming the right cultural quarter: as early as the 1950s, Halle424 was built as part of a general cargo transshipment facility and since 2014 has been offering a stage for artists of all kinds. But in addition to Halle424 there are many other cultural projects in the Oberhafen, such as the Kammerkunstverein, the Hanseatic Material Administration or some companies and studios that are at home in the film, photo and music scene.

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