© T. Schreiber

Stiftung Historische Museen Hamburg

The Hamburg Historical Museums are one of the largest urban and regional museums in Europe.

The Hamburg Historical Museums are one of the largest urban and regional museums in Europe. The museums united in the Foundation represent the history of Hamburg and its environs - from its beginnings around 800 to today's HafenCity.

Tickets and information at www.historische-museen-hamburg.de

from 11.90 €

Hamburg CARD

Free travel on buses, trains and harbour ferries (HVV) and up to 50% discount on over 150 tourist offers

More on this subject

© Fotolia / JFL Photography


The historic core of the Altstadt (German for Old Town) district is shaped by traditional buildings such as the Hamburg city hall and the chamber of commerce, the alleyways and bridges which stretch out all the way to the HafenCity district. In the Neustadt district district between Laeiszhalle and Jungfernstieg with elegant promenades, fashion stores and gallery owners – overlooking the Alster.

Alt- & Neustadt

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© ThisIsJulia Photography

Museum der Arbeit

At the Museum der Arbeit in Hamburg you can learn everything about industrialisation history and about the typical areas of work, including for example the printer's shop, trading office, the harbour, fish processing or manufacturing of hard rubber combs.

Museum der Arbeit
© Lee Maas, Timo Sommer

Pure creativity Atelierhaus23

Artists from various movements have created a place of creativity in Atelierhaus23.

© ThisIsJulia Photography

Explore one of the largest non-nuclear submarines in the world, U-434 U-434 submarine museum

Explore one of the largest non-atomic submarines in the world, U-434. It was once used by the Russian Navy for espionage, now it is moored in Hamburg as a submarine museum.

U-434 submarine museum

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