Puppenmuseum Falkenstein

© Elke Droescher
© Elke Droescher

High above the Elbe river stands Hamburg's most impressive country house in Bauhaus style, a doll museum with over 500 dolls, 60 doll's houses and children's portraits.

Since 1986, the doll museum has shown Elke Dröscher's extraordinary collection with over 500 dolls, 60 dollhouses and children's portraits from three centuries. The antique dolls reflect the development of fashion and the change in the ideal of beauty. An exciting journey through time for children and adults alike. More information at www.elke-droescher.de

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© Lee Maas / Timo Sommer

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Blankenese & Elbe outskirts

The former fishing and seamen's village of Blankenese is situated directly on the Elbe. It is the perfect starting point for hopping on a sailing boat or on the Elbe ferry, or for taking long walks along the shore. Another highlight is a visit to the Treppenviertel (German for staircase quartier) with a spectacular view of the lighthouse and the Falkenstein shore.

Blankenese & Elbe outskirts

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© Das Dialoghaus

Taste rediscovered Dinner in the Dark

Eating once in complete darkness is a completely new experience that you can experience at DINNER IN THE DARK.

Dinner in the Dark
© ThisIsJulia Photography

The main church at Klosterstern. St. Nikolai

St. Nikolai - the name represents an extremely changeful church history. The principal church of St. Nikolai was built during the time of the settlement of the new city in the 12th century, and by 1353 had been extended to become a triple naved basilica in the Gothic style - it was then completely destroyed in the Great Fire of Hamburg in 1842.

St. Nikolai
© Bergedorfer Museumslandschaft

One of the oldest farm houses in North Germany exhibits the culture and history of the Vierlande area. Open Air Museum Rieck Haus

Anyone interested in the historical areas of Hamburg should not shy away from visiting the Rieck Haus Open Air Museum and the Bergedorf Museum.

Open Air Museum Rieck Haus

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