Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft zu Hamburg e.V. Cherry blossoms as a sign of friendship

© Yu Kato on Unsplash

The German-Japanese Society (short: DJG) is an association in Hamburg that promotes cultural exchange and friendship between Japanese and Germans in Hamburg.

The German-Japanese friendship looks back on a history of more than 150 years. 

The story of a friendship

Already in 1861 the official exchange between Japan and Germany took its course. At that time Japan and the then Prussia signed a friendship and trade treaty. Almost 100 years later, in 1963, the German-Japanese Society was officially entered in the register of associations at the Hamburg District Court. Since then, the bilateral relationship has been maintained with numerous events. 

Cherry blossom festival in Hamburg

The annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Hamburg dates back to the beginnings of German-Japanese relations. The Japanese cherry blossoms around the Alster were planted at that time as a sign of friendship. Since then, the pink sea of flowers is celebrated every year in May with a big firework display. The light spectacle is donated by the Japanese community of Hamburg as a thank you for their hospitality. 

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© Matthias Pens Fotografie

CITY AREA PORTRAIT Eimsbüttel & Eppendorf

Here, one can find magnificent old building façades, local and exquisite restaurants as well as fancy boutiques and owner-operated shops. While Eppendorf is rather fancy, one can feel the hanseatic serenity in Eimsbüttel. Both districts offer much green and water and are hence with good reason very popular neighbourhoods in Hamburg.

Eimsbüttel & Eppendorf

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