© Christian Brandes
© Christian Brandes
© Christian Brandes
© Christian Brandes
© Christian Brandes

Botschaft der Wildtiere

A gateway to nature in the centre of Hamburg's HafenCity

The ‘Botschaft der Wildtiere’ is Hamburg's permanent representation of native wildlife. Nature can be experienced here - with an interactive permanent exhibition, a learning workshop for children and Germany's first nature film cinema.

Immerse yourself in the local animal world

There are around 48,000 animal species in Germany. At the ‘Botschaft der Wildtiere’, visitors learn about their diversity and their importance for the ecosystem. Interactive stations on 2,200 square metres of exhibition space invite visitors to try things out, solve puzzles and be amazed. Fly like a bird? Roam through a wheat field like a field hamster? Listen with the spoons of a hare? All this and much more can be experienced here. Visitors gain deep insights into the lives of native wild animals, but also learn how endangered many of them are and what they can do to help protect them.
This is where the conservationists of tomorrow do their research.

In the wildlife learning workshop, children become naturalists.

They can touch, design and experiment. Examine wild animal tracks, recognise birds by their song or build a spider's web - the learning workshop invites them to ask questions and look for answers themselves. Primary school classes can spend a whole morning here, and families can experience a very special children's birthday party in the learning workshop.

Wildlife on the big screen

Every week - on Nature Film Wednesday - Germany's first nature film cinema screens a fascinating documentary about Europe's wildlife. Interesting guests give insights behind the scenes and talk about the making of the films. The cinema is also the venue for the European Wildlife Film Awards (EWFA): The prizes for the best European wildlife films are awarded once a year.

Focus on sustainability

The building in which the cinema is located is just as extraordinary as the wildlife message. it is located. The ‘roots’ is Germany's tallest wooden building and uses renewable and uses renewable raw materials to set an example for climate protection and architecture.

A voice for wildlife

The ‘Botschaft der Wildtiere’ is a project of the German Wildlife Foundation. The non-profit organisation has been working for more than 30 years to create and preserve creating and preserving habitats for wild animals. With its public relations work and its nature education programmes, the foundation children and adults for the local wildlife.

Restaurant „akan afrofusion“

In the restaurant, visitors can enjoy the view of Baakenhafen harbour - and a special atmosphere: the room is furnished entirely in wood, and you can sit in a particularly cosy wicker squirrel nest.

Tickets and prices

Adults: 8 euros
Reduced and young people aged 14 and over: 5 euros
Children free (admission only when accompanied by an adult)

Adults: 6 euros
Reduced and children under 14 years: 4 Euro

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© Mediaserver Hamburg / Christian Brandes

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