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Vogelball Festival

The sparrows whistle - an electronic symphony of anticipation for the VOGELBALL, which will take place for the twelfth time in 2025. Visitors are traditionally invited to the queer masked ball to coincide with the big CSD parade in Hamburg.

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VOI Scooters

The coral-coloured speedster by VOI Scooters from Sweden takes Hamburg by storm. E-scooters from VOI are the new form of urban mobility and bring you from A to B quickly and reliably. And the fun of driving is not neglected either!

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Volksbühne Rissen von 1955 e. V.

In the large, barrier-free auditorium of the Iserbarg school in Rissen, there are performances take place at least three times a year. Low German and plays, as well as the popular comedy nights, are very popular with the popular with the audience and are always well attended.

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Volksdorf summer swimming pool

The Volksdorf summer swimming pool is the only nudist pool in Hamburg.

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Volksdorfer Teichwiesen

The Volksdorf pond meadows invite you to listen to the sounds of nature.

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Volksdorfer Wochenmarkt

At the Volksdorfer weekly market in Hamburg, about 10 merchants offer fresh and healthy products from the region and all over the world.

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Volkspark Stadium

The Volkspark Stadium is the home ground of the Hamburger SV and can hold up to 57,000 spectators.

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Von Haase

A little piece of Scandinavia in this charming boutique in the heart of Eppendorf.

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