Discover the dark sides of Hamburg!
Hamburg shines not only during the day from its most beautiful side. Also at night the city has some beautiful corners to offer. Whether landing bridges or Alster panorama - everywhere the lights of the city shine into the distance. But experiences in the dark are also very popular in Hamburg. How about an escape attempt from an escape room or an exhibition in the dark? We have compiled our ten tips for Hamburg in the Dark.
1.Admire the city panorama
It doesn't really matter by day or by night - Hamburg is always beautiful. But if you have not yet been able to admire the city from above, you should definitely pay a visit to the night Michel. From here you have a magnificent panoramic view over the old and new town. Especially on warm summer nights, it is worth climbing up to the top of the Michel: Elphilharmonie, harbour and Alster shine in an incomparable sea of lights and the stars are within reach. Every Friday and Saturday the Michel opens its doors for you from 18.00 to 22:30.
St. Michaelis Church at night
Englische Planke 1
20459 Hamburg
City area
Alt- & Neustadtyour discounts
9 % discount
2.Immerse yourself in the world of the invisible
What happens when everything darkens and smells, sounds and temperatures become the signposts of life? The DIALOG IM DUNKELN invites interested people into the world of the invisible. In completely darkened rooms, the blind and visually impaired guide visitors through the unique exhibition. Optical stimuli play no role here. The experience of different scents, winds, surface structures, noises and touches become an experience at DIALOG IM DUNKELN. Blind people present their world to those who see: a fascinating journey into the unknown.
Immerse yourself in the world of the invisible
3.Adventures in the black light
The black light district promises adventure and fun in the dark. Extraordinary lighting effects turn indoor fun into dazzling leisure fun. In an underwater world rich in detail, visitors can expect a miniature golf course, skill tests and exciting missions in the glow of laser beams. Let's go into the dark!
Black light district
Kieler Straße 571
22525 Hamburg
City area
Altona & Ottensenyour discounts
Admission: 15.00 € instead of 20.00 €
4.Romantic strolls
Admittedly, it doesn't get completely dark in the Speicherstadt even at night. Around 800 floodlights illuminate the historic warehouse complex. The play of lights is a must-see for all night owls. In addition, the Speicherstadt at night offers the perfect backdrop for a romantic stroll.
20457 Hamburg
City area
HafenCity & Speicherstadt5.Lights on the Port of Hamburg
At night the port of Hamburg shines in new splendour. The container terminals are wrapped in numerous lights and the jetties sparkle. During a light ship trip you can marvel at the light spectacle from the water. The glittering maritime world invites you to dream. Too beautiful to be true? Find out!
Reederei & Schiffs-Vermietung GREGORS
Bei den Sankt Pauli-Landungsbrücken 10
20359 Hamburg
your discounts
Adults: 18.50 € instead of 22.00 €
and more
6.Colourful concert in Planten un Blomen
An experience for eyes and ears: The water light plays enchant the dark Hamburg. During the summer months, the Planten un Blomen Park is transformed into an open-air concert hall every evening. The unmistakable combination of water light and music attracts visitors from near and far. Colourful water fountains, delicate sounds and the magic of darkness: the perfect end to the day!
Wasserlichtspiele Planten un Blomen
Parksee Planten und Blomen
20355 Hamburg
City area
Sternschanze & Karoviertel7.Shopping pleasure at a late hour
Night owls and bargain hunters watch out: Every first Wednesday of the month there is a night flea market under the Sternbrücke. The legendary party triangle of Fundbureau, Astra Stube and Waagenbau then turns into a contact point for seekers and collectors of retro and vintage pieces. At a late hour, the prices of clothes, jewellery and bags are haggled over in a dim atmosphere.
Nachtflohmarkt Sternbrücke
Stresemannstraße 114
22769 Hamburg
City area
Altona & Ottensen8.Weekly market à la St. Pauli
The clocks tick differently on St. Pauli. It is not surprising that the weekly market is held at an unusually late hour. The market stalls are open every Wednesday from 4 pm to midnight. In the midst of the cheerful Reeperbahn hustle and bustle, the night market on the Spielbudenplatz has established itself as a popular "After Work" meeting place. Shopping, feasting and enjoying in the dark, why not?
St. Pauli Night Market
20359 Hamburg
9.Escape the darkness
The Live Escape Games from TeamEscape are dark and mystical. Exciting stories captivate the players. Trapped in a mysterious room, it is time to value Lord of Time and solve tricky puzzles. The danger lurks everywhere. Definitely nothing for weak nerves.
Escape the darkness
10.Under the earth
Hamburg's Bunkermuseum reminds of dark times. During the Second World War, the bunker in Hamburg-Hamm offered thousands of people protection from bomb attacks. Today the shelter, five metres underground, is a museum. Documents and original audio recordings bear witness to the horrors of that time. The Bunker Museum is open on Thursdays.
Wichernsweg 16
20537 Hamburg