© C-AdobeStock-Meow-Creations

Pumpkin farms around Hamburg

Top 5

On the pumpkins, ready, go!

Colourful leaves, cold wind and morning fog over the Elbe and obscuring the top of the TV tower - clearly, autumn has arrived in Hamburg. In a city as green as Hamburg, you can now see the colourful season on every corner. And autumn time is pumpkin time. Pumpkins are actually berry fruits - but in the kitchen they are usually treated like vegetables. But they also make quite an impression as decoration: whether in their original form or as a carved creepy face with a light effect. There are several pumpkin farms in the Hamburg metropolitan region that are well worth a visit. Here are our top 5.

Autumn is pumpkin time. Strictly speaking, pumpkins are berry fruits - but in the kitchen they are usually treated like vegetables. But they also make quite an impression as decoration: whether in their original form or carved as a creepy face with a light effect. There are several pumpkin farms in the Hamburg metropolitan region that are worth a visit. Here are our top 5.

1.Pumpkin and Moo in the Pumpkin Barn

© Kürbisscheune Worth
© Kürbisscheune Worth
© Kürbisscheune Worth

The whole variety of pumpkins can be found in the pumpkin barn in Worth. More than 130 different pumpkin varieties grow here, and no two are alike in shape and colour. It can take a while to decide on the most beautiful one. Once you've made it, you can carve your favourite pumpkin on site according to a model or your own ideas - carving tools can be borrowed on site. Of course, ready-carved pumpkins can also be purchased. The pumpkin barn is embedded in a farm, around 120 black and white dairy cows provide the right sound for pumpkin carving - fresh country air included!


Kürbis-Scheune Worth


Dorfstraße 6
21502 Worth


Dorfstraße 6
21502 Worth


2.Pumpkin creativity at Kürbishof Kruse

© kuerbiskruse
© kuerbiskruse
© kuerbiskruse

A colourful variety of pumpkins thrives at Kürbishof Kruse: from the classic edible pumpkin to exotic varieties, a large selection is available. But visitors can not only admire the variety of pumpkins, but also learn about their cultivation and care. During the season, guided tours of the farm are offered, during which you can experience the entire process of pumpkin cultivation from sowing to harvesting. Besides the beautiful pumpkins in their original form, carved or painted, there are also many beautiful things made from fresh or dried flowers.


Kürbishof Kruse


Hauptstraße 20
25712 Buchholz (Dithmarschen)

Kürbishof Kruse

Hauptstraße 20
25712 Buchholz (Dithmarschen)


3.A pyramid made of pumpkins in Hasenmoor

© Frank Selsemeier

The duck and asparagus paradise of Hasenmoor is known for its culinary diversity. Everything has its season here and autumn clearly belongs to the pumpkins. You can't miss it either, because on the flat land in Schleswig-Holstein, the huge pumpkin pyramid is already an eye-catcher from afar. The farm, which by its own admission is completely pumpkin-crazy, has been lovingly cultivating a variety of pumpkins by hand for over 20 years. And the selection is really huge: whether it's edible pumpkins for delicious dishes, ornamental pumpkins for the home or exotic varieties for experimental palates - there's something for everyone here. The farm café provides coffee, cakes and other delicacies.


Enten und Spargelparadies


Dorfstraße 19
24640 Hasenmoor

Enten & Spargel Paradies

Dorfstraße 19
24640 Hasenmoor


4.Adolf Family Farm with Pumpkin Love

© Tony

120 edible and 80 decorative pumpkin varieties grow on the traditional Adolf farm until the harvest in September. Here, the whole family pitches in and the atmosphere on the farm is correspondingly warm. The farm shop is open every day during the pumpkin season in September and October. In addition to the large selection of pumpkins, there are also lots of products with a pumpkin flavour: pumpkin seed oil, pumpkin sparkling wine, pumpkin chutney etc. And if all this is too pumpkin-heavy for you, you will of course also find other regional and seasonal products. Everyone will find something to suit their taste here!


Hof Adolf


Im Dorf 8
22145 Braak

City area
Hamburg North

Hof Adolf

Im Dorf 8
22145 Braak


5.Pumpkin, maize maze and farm golf at Bartels Farm

© Hof Bartels
© Hof Bartels
© Oschi

A little sense of direction and sturdy shoes are all you need to make your way through the maize maze. Once you've found the exit, you can either set off for a game of farmer's golf - a rural variation on the traditional game (by appointment) - or go in search of a pumpkin to take home. Bartels farm tip for a ripe pumpkin: The stem should be as woody as possible and the skin hard. When you knock on the pumpkin, it should sound dull and hollow. But what can you conjure up from a pumpkin? The farm shop has delicious pumpkin recipes to take home. And if you don't feel like cooking and baking, you can indulge yourself in the farm café.


Hof Bartels


Wenzendorfer Straße 2
21279 Wenzendorf

Hof Bartels GmbH & Co. KG

Wenzendorfer Straße 2
21279 Wenzendorf


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