© / Timo Sommer
© Christin –
Café May
© ThisIsJulia Photography
Rote Grütze
© annabell2012 –

Hamburger cuisine

You should definitely try these dishes

The way to the heart is through the stomach? Love for Hamburg definitely does! The traditional Hanseatic cuisine has a lot to offer. Hamburg's restaurant scene is colorful, diverse and international. Modernity and tradition go hand in hand in Hamburg's culinary landscape. But what is typical Hamburg? Embark on a culinary journey of discovery through Hamburg's cuisine.

Not without my fish sandwiches

The fish roll is one of Hamburg's panaceas. Whether day or night, alone or in company, sunshine or bad weather, the fish roll gets Hamburgers through their whole life. The selection ranges from matjes and herring to mackerel and North Sea crabs. The main thing is fresh! The Goedekens Kombüse not far from the fish market and Brücke 10 directly on the Landungsbrücken are among the most popular places to get a fish sandwich in Hamburg.




Fischbrötchen Hamburg
© Christin –
Fischbrötchen gehören einfach zur Hamburger Gastro-Kultur. Freut euch auf echte Leckerbissen.

Hamburg's seafaring cuisine

Just under 100 kilometers from the North Sea coast, Hamburg is one of the largest seafaring cities in Germany. This is also reflected in its cuisine. Well-known seafaring dishes make up a large part of Hamburg's specialties. First and foremost: Labskaus. The dish consists of mashed potatoes and salted meat garnished with onions, beet, fried egg and matjes or rollmops. The Old Commercial Room in Hamburg sees itself as a "Labskaus ambassador" and makes the Nordic specialty tasty for the curious.




© Christin –
Surf'n'Turf auf nordisch? Labskaus ist unsere Antwort!
© / Timo Sommer
Wird traditionell serviert mit Spiegelei und Roter Beete.

Another classic is Finkenwerder plaice. This fish specialty was named after the Hamburg district of Finkenwerder. The plaice is dredged in flour, fried and topped with diced bacon. It is served with fried potatoes. Fancy more? Then a visit to the restaurant "Zum Alten Lotsenhaus" is worthwhile. The view across the Elbe to Finkenwerder comes free of charge.

The big leftover meal

Formerly a leftover dish, today a popular Hamburg specialty: pan-fried fish. The fried or cooked pieces of fish are served with fried potatoes and mustard sauce. Delicious!




© ExQuisine –
Das ganze Jahr über ein echter Genuss – der Pannfisch!

Hamburg eel soup is also a recipe for using up leftovers. There is disagreement about the choice of ingredients: with or without eel? Hamburg eel soup is based on a ham bone, stock, vegetables and baked fruit. With or without eel, the soup is definitely worth a try...

How did the "hamburger" actually come about?

In fact, the origins of the fast food classic go back to the Hanseatic city of Hamburg. In the 19th and 20th centuries, buns with meat and sauce were booming on emigrant ships from Hamburg to America under the name Rundstück warm. The perfection of the burger then took its course on the other side of the Atlantic.

For the cold season

Popular autumn and winter dishes in Hamburg include Grützwurst and a combination of pears, beans and bacon. Grützwurst is a Hamburg sausage made from meat, groats and raisins. It is traditionally served with mashed potatoes and apple sauce. The unusual combination of pears, beans and bacon is eaten in Hamburg as a stew with potatoes, especially in late summer.

The sweet ending

After hearty and savory dishes, here is a little insight into Hamburg's sweet cuisine. Nordic dessert classics - which are also a must in Hamburg - include lilac berry soup, a sweet fruit soup made from the juice of black elderberries, and red fruit jelly, a fruit porridge made from red berries.

Rote Grütze
© annabell2012 –
Yummy, die Rote Grütze ist ein Fruchtbrei aus roten Beeren. Oft garniert mit Vanillesoße.
© Matthias Pens Fotografie
Unwiderstehlich lecker – Das Hamburger Franzbrötchen.

And not to forget: Kemm'scher Kuchen. The brown cake is a traditional Hanseatic pastry and is not actually a cake, but rather a cookie. The recipe for this sweet pastry was developed in 1782 by an Altona confectioner and bakery. A real classic is the Hamburg breakfast. A light roll is smeared with butter and topped with Kemm'schen Kuchen.

The king of Hamburg specialties: the Franzbrötchen

The Franzbrötchen is one of Hamburg's most famous landmarks alongside the Michel and the Elbphilharmonie concert hall. The Danish pastry traditionally consists of a yeast dough with cinnamon and sugar. For some years now, many Hamburg bakeries have been offering the specialty with raisins, sprinkles, chocolate chips and much more. Looking for a delicious Franzbrötchen? No problem! In addition to the well-known Franzbrötchen bakery Franz & Friends, there is hardly a bakery that does not offer this sweet treat.



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Einfach lecker! 10 Adressen für wirklich gute Franzbrötchen

Zum Ursprung des Franzbrötchens gibt es viele Geschichten. Fest steht, das Franzbrötchen gehört zu Hamburgs köstlichsten Errungenschaften. Wir zeigen euch, wo ihr in Hamburg die besten Franzbrötchen bekommt.

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